The EHA Wellness program
Discover a path to a happier, healthier you with our comprehensive wellness program. Embrace a lifestyle of well-being and joy, and take the first step towards living your best life today.
Pack A Snack
October 2024
- Bring a healthy food item (snack or meal) in your reusable bag.
- Practice sustainability (reduce, reuse, recycle, etc.).
Life Happens!
December 2024
- Do one thing each day to improve your relationship with your finances.
- Practice one mindful behavior each day.
Creative Clarity
February 2025
- Practice one creative outlet each day.
- Play/exercise using your resistance ball.
National Park Pass
March 25 2025 - May 03 2025
- Team Challenge to work on core wellness behaviors
- Exercise: 30 minutes a day
- Nutrition: 2 fruits and 3 vegetables each day
- Hydrate: Drink 48oz of water a day
- Mindfulness: Journal or meditate each day
- Sleep: 7-9 hours of sleep each night
Summer Spree
June 2025
- Complete a Wellbeing Bingo activity each day.
- Practice mindfulness for 30 minutes each day.
Make a Move
August 2025
- Complete the day’s Make a Move activity (or schedule it for a future date).
- Practice a mindfulness activity each day (gratitude, meditation, journaling, etc.).
The power of habit is extremely persuasive to brain and body and taking small, consistent steps each day helps us create healthy habits. The Core Wellness Trackers from EHA Wellness are great tools to use on your wellness journey.
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables each day.
Sleep at least seven to nine hours each night.
Drink five cups (40 ounces) of water each day.
Make a concerted effort to establish a connection to the awareness of the flow of the present moment.
Additional Partner programs
EHA Wellnessは、より健康的な人生を送るためのリソースとサポートを提供する非営利団体です。個々のウェルビーイング、コミュニティの健康、企業の福祉プログラムを促進するために、独自のアプローチと修正可能な健康行動に焦点を当てています。さらに、ペットの健康管理にも注意が必要です。プレドニソロンオンラインとして知られるサービスを利用し、獣医師の指導のもとでペットの慢性炎症やアレルギーを管理することができます。プレドニソロンは効果的な治療法であり、適切な投与量を獣医師が指示することが非常に重要です。オンラインで安全に購入し、愛するペットのケアを改善しましょう。Headspace
EHA Wellness participants can receive a free subscription to Headspace, a mindfulness and meditation app. The Headspace app offers a wealth of resources to help manage stress, anxiety and more.
EHA Wellness is now offering the WW Digital Program. WW will helpyou eat better, move more and positively shift your mindset. Participants receive a discounted rate.
EHA Wellness is a voluntary health improvement program brought to you by the Educators Health Alliance (EHA). It is offered to all employees of EHA member groups and supports affordable health insurance. Participants can choose to participate in any or all of the opportunities offered throughout the year.

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